
Is there a diffrence between a Skate Poser and a beginner skater?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I got this ugly fake ***** *** kid calling me a poser, but I just started skteinng, I can do an ollie, kinda high, and a manual, and a lilttle nose manual and I want to learn how to gring too, I been skateing since I was 10 years old, and stoped at age 14, and started back at age 17, so am I a poser or a skater beginner?




  1. Ok let me explain to you the difference bro.

    Poser = A guy that thinks hes good and wears a **** load of skate company clothing. Its ****** up but to wear skateboarding clothing like volcom and **** you need to be good at skateboarding and at least do some flip tricks bro.

    Posers are people trying to be what they aren't posing as something else. You my friend are not a poser. You are a begginer and you admit to that and soon you'll be good! trust me! Everyone goes through this and everyone has had someone nag calling them a poser. Just dont go wearing all these ******* brands because people will call you a poser. If you support that company just be like yeah I wear an Almost T-shirt because i ******* love chris haslam. people wear that **** up and dont even know anything about that company.

  2. ya i think there is definately a difference everyone was a beginner at some point. Just tell that kid to **** off, and if he doesnt, tell me where he lives and well both **** him up. Ive been dying to fight someone lately.

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