
Is there a direct link to increased crime rates with regard to illegal immigration, and if there is how so?

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Is there a direct link to increased crime rates with regard to illegal immigration, and if there is how so?




  1. Yes, when cities and counties have cracked down on illegal immigrants, the crime rate goes down, as it did in Maryland's Prince William County.

    Illegal Alien Fact Sheets:

    The Dark Side of Illegal Aliens:

    Immigrations Human Cost:

    One million s*x crimes by illegal aliens:

    12 Americans murdered daily by illegals:

  2. Illegal Immigration by definition is a unquantifiable number.  Here are some of the most attributed links to rise in crime.

    1.  They have ignored (rightly or WRONGLY) immigration laws, hense criminals by definition.

    2.  Identity thefy.  Many illegal immigrants steal, and use real ids to get work.

    3.  Driving without lisence/insurance.  By definition they are not elgiable for either of these.

    4.  Local laws.  For better or worse many communaties do not want to see that many people living at the same address.

    5.  Gun Running, drug smuggaling.  Those who bring in illegal immigrants, occasionally bring over "other items"

    6.  South American Gangs.  Some of the most violent gangs out there orginall started from immigrant communaties.(Bloods, Crypts, etc)  Not that all illegal immigrants are gang bangers, but still.....

    7.  Terrorisim.   Hate to break it, but the 9-11 terrorist attacks (9-11 neighsayers shove off) were committed by illegal immigrants.

    8.  Labor Laws.  They accept wages and working conditions that are illegal for a REASON.

    9.  Prostitution.  Part tv, part real.  When cayotes do not get what they want, they have been known to "take" their fees in other ways.....

  3. this question has been asked many times but some just don't want to get the facts straight , in reality the undocumented commit less crimes than the native born but unfortunately the real facts are buried by a huge amount of non serious websites ... the following is a question which was asked a year ago by someone who was actually against the undocumented but whom was able to understand reality , sadly not everyone want to understand such simple matters , anyways here is the link to that question : her link does not work anymore by the way but i posted another one in comments which is actually working .

    if u need more information regarding this please google for the GAO report about undocumented immigrants ( make sure it is from GAO not from any other website trying to use those numbers ) and make sure to not to get yourself stuck in the begining of it but make sure to read the numbers they post by scroling down or by actually reading it all .


    Can You guess a group that isnt their

  5. This is for the poster above with his cut and paste article from the Minuteman website:

    Aside from the obvious demographic differences between today's immigrants and those of earlier eras, there was another difference. Relative to the native population, the wave of elevated immigration hitting our shores today is nothing compared to previous ones. During the 1980s and 1990s, about 16.4 million immigrants came to America -- a number equaling 7.1 percent of the 1981 population; during the period between 1901and 1920, about 14.5 million new arrivals came to America, but that number represented 18.9 percent of the population in 1901.

    Crime rate is inverse to economic status. Unfortunately, America's most poor are that of non-white ethnic groups. Ben Franklin said the same thing about the Germans. Many Americans said the same thing about the Irish and Italians in the early 20th century. After full assimilation, which many have felt about so many migrants from different parts of world would never happen, we shall still see crime rate and economic status as the two factors inverse to one another.

  6. I hope this helps and explains.

    The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

    Facts, Figures And Statistics On Illegal Immigration

    But start here:

    Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Terrorism

    Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Crime

    Impacts of Illegal Immigration: s*x Crimes

    Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Property Crimes And Operation Predator

    Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Gangs

    Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Crime Summary

    If it wasn't for the archiving efforts of some groups fighting illegal immigration general knowledge of such incidents would be lost to all but the most serious researcher. Even with the internet it is very difficult to track down and report the participation level of illegal aliens in crime because NOBODY IS KEEPING TRACK! However, as this report has detailed and documented, it is quite considerable and is the direct consequence of our unfettered immigration policy, porous borders, sanctuary cities, and lack of enforcement.

    In recent Testimony of District Attorney John M. Morganelli before the House Subcommittee on immigration, Border, Security and Claims he stated:

        "Unfortunately, the majority of illegal aliens who are here are engaged in criminal activity. Identity theft, use of fraudulent social security numbers and green cards, tax evasion, driving without licenses represent some of the crimes that are engaged in by the majority of illegal aliens on a daily basis merely to maintain and hide their illegal status.

        In addition, violent crime and drug distribution and possession is also prevalent among illegal aliens. Over 25% of today's federal prison population are illegal aliens. In some areas of the country, 12% of felonies, 25% of burglaries and 34% of thefts are committed by illegal aliens."


    Make sure you click on all of Gameo's links.  They no longer work, and they are from sites that are not predicated on the GAO, the State or Local Reports, or the investment councilors who must direct clients in the correct direction for money making investments.

  7. U.S. incarceration rates by race, June 30, 2006:

        * Whites: 409 per 100,000

        * Latinos: 1,038 per 100,000

        * Blacks: 2,468 per 100,000

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