
Is there a disorder that makes a person day dream excessively??And what is it called??

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Is there a disorder that makes a person day dream excessively??And what is it called??




  1. ADD? If you can't concentrate on anything and your mind wonders that's probably what it oculd be, attention deficit disorder.

  2. Being a rich a*****e.

  3. I don't think there is an official "Walter Mitty syndrome" named after the protaganost of Thurber's novella. Day-dreaming is common in times of boredom, sometimes when we don't want to face painful decisions or situations. But if a person considers him or herself to be an ineffectual person and hides in a world of fantasy, s/he need counseling.

  4. Human beings are programmed to multi-task and use our brains creatively. Naturally day-dreaming can be a way to deal with stress or boredom. There are people who claim to, as you have stated above, day dream excessively. They claim that day-dreaming has ruined their social life and life in the true reality.

    I digress, the fact of the matter is we are wired to day-dream. Some may do it more than others but it is no disorder. Perhaps more a sign that we are unhappy with the way some things are going in our life. More of a kick in the butt from your brain hinting that maybe you should be doing something about it.

    I don't believe there is a disorder that we can pin the blame upon other than having a very active and full imagination. Nor do I believe that this is a bad thing. Sometimes we need to day-dream or as some like to put it "Have our brains take a holiday" just to escape from unneccesary stress.  

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