
Is there a doctor in the house!

by Guest57600  |  earlier

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my stomach growls when im not hungry and it bubbles and make weird noses i sometimes feel it in my lower back and side. I went to the doctor s and one said im possibly lactose intolerance witch might be true cause when i drink milk and ice cream it rumbles and bubbles more..but when i dint it still rumbles but not as bad but it still rumbles..and another doctor said it have Irritable bowl syndrome...they both gave me medicine that don't help especially the ibs medicine its doesnt do anything....But i have a feeling that Me by self can help it go away with over the counter medications and with me stop eating certain foods...The only thing that worked so far was laxative but It made me go the bathroom every second and I cant take a laxative all the time cause Then ill always be in the bathroom and it will be weird..But please give me advice i don't know if its the foods I'm eating or not doctors just said keep away from milk and i did and it still the way i eat everything just not milk..please help




  1. It's probably IBS. I was having the same problem and I realized it was soooo stress related. I was working full time and going to school full time with a ridiculous amount of traveling time. Also, I was eating way to much fast food because of the lack of time to eat. Then I would stress about the stomach problems, never knowing whe I would have to go. They sell Pepto Bismol tablets (pill form) that work amazingly! But it is probably stress/fast food related. Don't stress too much about it, it'll just get worse. Hope this helped a lil :)

  2. I'm not a doctor, I just play one on the theory is...

    You have symptoms of gas...let er rip...better out than'll

    feel better afterwards.

  3. Listen to your physician. The next time you are in his/her office, ask that they refer you to a dietitian to assist with your diet. The rumbling is part of your medical problem.

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