
Is there a doctor on right now??

by  |  earlier

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My sister is 10 years old and weighs 85 lbs. for the past two days,she has been vomiting and nauseated. she says her stomach hurts her and so does her chest. We think it might be the meat she ate a couple of days ago because the store had recalled the meat today because of possible strands of coli. We cant take her to her doctor til tomorrow. could she have e-coli?

Her symptoms are vomiting,slight diarrhea,105.5 F. fever, and dizziness

Can any one tell me what it is or what we do right now?




  1. Woah! If she has a fever of 105.5 she needs to go to the ER right now! That is a dangerously high fever!

  2. If she has a fever of 105.5 she can go into a fever shock.  She needs to go to the ER.  If her fever wasn't so high, I would suggest a cool bath not cold, lots of fluids, because the more dehydrated she becomes the more she will throw up.  Food poisioning is pretty bad thing to cope with, without medical treatment.  The doctors will give her medicine to stop throwing up and also replenish her fluids.  Thats pretty much all they can do.  

  3. wow, anyone can tell you this-take her to the ER room..dizziness, vomiting, and bad stomach pain is a combo made in h**l

  4. You do not take your time with a fever that high ... especially in a ten year old ... give here some motrin or advil or ibuprofen to bring the fever down and bring her to emergency ...

    Hope this helps,

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