
Is there a environmentally friendly way to dispose of cardboard boxes. I have a garage full of them.?

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I just moved into a new house and brought a ton of new furniture and appliances. Now I have all the cardboard boxes left over. I don't want to throw them in the garbage can where I know they'll just fill another overfilled, disgusting landfill. What else can I do to get rid of them?




  1. Recycle them,or use them!They can come in handy  sometimes,and u can use them for things.

  2. Check with your town hall.  A lot of towns have recyclable pick ups.  I wouldn't put it in the trash though. I'm like you,  I like to recycle things and keep it out of the landfills.

  3. Put an ad up on craigslist or freecycle.  I'm going to be moving soon, and that's were I've gotten all my free boxes!

  4. Find a local recycling center they will take them!

  5. depend where you live. Here in NB we have big recycling depot

  6. Well depends where you live.  Here in UK you flatten them and put them out with the rest of the recycling and the council take them away.  Previous to the household collection of cardboard we loaded up the car and took it to the local tip.

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