
Is there a field like Egyptology for the British Isles area or are both just specializations of anthropology?

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I really like the whole British Isles area as well as the northern steppes. Is that a specialization in cultural anthropology or some other field altogether? For instance if I wanted to study the symbolism in Celtic society is that a specialization in cultural anthropology or another field?




  1. Well, any trained anthropologist will choose their own field of study. I am an anthropology major and I LOVE the Afro-Caribbean, especially studying their religion, which you think would be religious studies or african-american studies but anthropology is soo broad. If I am to become a professional, researching anthropologist it would be in Afro-Caribbean studies and I would read other peoples research and do my own work in the area.

    So when you take anthropology classes, most of the time you will be able to choose whatever area of the world you want to apply anthropological theory to. In every class I take I apply the theory to an island or area pertaining to what I love to learn about. It sounds like the study of symbolism in Celtic society would be really aided by work in Archaeology and Cultural anthropology so you would fit right in. Good luck!

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