
Is there a fine line between being a coquette and a flirt?

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Is there a fine line between being a coquette and a flirt?




  1. No, two words for the same thing.

  2. Whats a coquette?

  3. Flirting, I don't know, people seem to define that millions of ways.

    However you define it, you should feel out boundaries and probably not do or say things, or act in ways, that you wouldn't if your exclusive partner would be uncomfortable if he/she knew about it.

    I think giving someone the idea that you may be available physically is a good line to start with. That's a line that I think people in exclusive relationships should not cross.

    Flirts can do that, depending on how the flirting goes, and so they are not coquette's, but maybe just as bad.

  4. yeah, ones french another is english

    or ones a potato... lol

  5. I'd say yes, but maybe that's just me.

    I've always seen the notion of a coquette to be very very playful and not just fixed to the attentions of individuals, but rather the whole room.  Also, I'd say that flirts are more overtly sexual.

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