
Is there a fine line between reality and illusion? ?

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  1. There is a thick wall between reality and illusion.

  2. reverse your first two words for my answer.  

  3. Yes, i think there is a very fine line between the two. In fact i sometimes live in a kind of dual reality life myself. Occasionally i dont want to accept the normal everyday life, so i live in my own little world where i dont think about too much and i forget about any horrible things like present worries/problems and just think about the here and now only,, basically not think too much, just enjoy the moment. I realise i may not have actually answered much about illusion as such, but illusion is sometimes what you want it to be and i think it crosses over into reality if you let it...

  4. actually its a layer and its called the cornea.

  5. There is a line between the two.

    However, some things that people see as reality is illusion and some things that are seen as illusion are in fact reality.

    So there is a difference, but we can't always be sure which one is which.

  6. No.

    People fail to perceive reality objectively, we tend to make baseless assumptions about things, which is made up with our imaginations: illusion.

    We cant help it, as people we are bound to stereotype.

    You might consider a certain person in your life to be friendly and loving, but others might consider him as an insensitive & cruel person, while some other think he is just an ordinary person, nothing special. This suggests that everyone is figments of other people's imaginations. Same goes with every other things.

    We are biased, i think that is good enough example for why "fine line" does not exist.  

  7. .....There is really not a fine line between them-

    these are in fact two different and diagonally opposite meanings of reality.

    One refers to philosophies of - medieval times

    that the world of appearance is illusory and that ideas, forms or universals are the only true realities belonging to the world beyond matter and appearance - the world of God and mind.

    And the other to modern times-

    that the universe is real and not a creation of mind,

    that although all we really experience is the evidence of our senses there is a reality that causes the appearance, the thing-in-itself.

  8. Everything is an illusion if you want to split hairs. All we can see is light reflected from objects and people, therefore, we aren't really seeing the actual object, just a reflection.

  9. Everything in the world is an illusion until you know the real truth behind. Once you know the real truth, everything else is an illusion. An erroneous perception of truth is an illusion.

  10. Its all in the mind.  

  11. Yes!  The same thin line that separates the awakened from the unawakened...

  12. Well we all know that an illusion is something that is not there, easy enough. The problem comes in knowing what reality is!

    When dreaming everything seems real, and you rarely know when your dreaming, so perhaps your dreaming now? Or if you take proper hallucinogenics you can question reality and your own existence (i once was convinced nothing was real), and  also the hallucinogenic DMT is a drug which is produced in our own body, all the time!  But also if you think about our senses, our eyes for example have veins all over them and we have blind spots but our brain just fills in the gaps... and so technically your seeing something not there, i.e. an illusion!

    I think the line between reality and illusion is a lot finer than we'd like to admit.

  13. Are you asking whether reality and illusion are similar enough to be confused with each other?   A subtle difference?  A fine line, in the sense that what you perceive is maybe not quite the way things are?  

       I understand that it is not so much what is perceived that is the illusion, as it is the one who is doing the perceiving.  The misunderstanding begins entirely there and it is always there.  A sense of illusion follows naturally.  Your question is quite appropriate and is only just a bit off the target.  Turn the question around so that it actually faces you.  The reality present in every situation of perception is the unchanging awareness and aliveness that is what we actually are. While we are the only reality of life itself, there is the mistaken identification with it from an objective standpoint – as bodies and minds  separate from each other.   All these  ideas and perceptions that a person identifies with are not centered anywhere and only arise within an impersonal consciousness and then subside.  This phenomena of arising includes all memory, thought, sensations (sight, sound etc.) and perceptions.  

        There actually is only one reality - not something like reality and illusion.  There is a misunderstanding of this one reality.  We are not the mind, not the body and not the doer of any actions as they arise in consciousness.  Life is whole complete and undivided.  It is only this mistaken notion that we are something separate from life, or that we are somehow “in life”  that makes it seem like illusion or that we could be separate from "our lives".  Your question, as wisdom, comes from an impersonal, blissful and intuitive place that knows and which opens into consciousness.  This is entirely what you are in loving stillness as these perceptions arise and subside.  

    Now we can have a little wry fun with this – a certain lightness of heart and a not taking ourselves so seriously.  We can actually change our perceptions of the way things are, but with the understanding that we have not changed reality.  


  14. Lies and truth take discernment, but with it, are as far as East is from West.

  15. The dividing line is a mere creation of our mind, otherwise everything is the same one.

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