
Is there a flea treatment that's safe for kittens 3 weeks old?

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Alright, so I have a Female cat named Cleo and a male kitten named Ceaser. So, Ceaser is three weeks old and has a MAJOR flea problem since I got him and I've been doing my best to keep Cleo away from him since she's allergic to the fleas bite. I don't know what to treat Ceaser with, since the stuff I treat Cleo with says 'Do not use on kittens under 12 weeks of age'.

What I want to know is that is there something I could do for poor Ceaser?




  1. YES.

    This should take you about an hour if the fleas are bad, it really helps to have two people to do this.

    You will need-

    *Flea comb- (i used a lice comb, but flea combs have smaller openings between the teeth and probably work better) you can find one at you local pet supply store.

    * 1-3 cups of mayonnaise-

    (I know a kitten covered in mayo sounds gross, but its the only way i know of)

    *Disposable cup


    First bath your kitten. Its easier to see the fleas if she/he is wet.

    Put the mayo in a bowl and fill up the disposable cup with water (mixing the water with flea shampoo is helpful to kill the fleas once they are off of her).

    Rub the mayo starting in small sections on your kitten. (This will immobilize them and helps to smother them.)

    comb out the mayo covered fleas with the flea comb, use the cup of water to get the fleas out of the comb.

    Eventually she needs to be covered from her head to toe in the mayo or else all the fleas will migrate to  all the mayo free areas. Dont forget her face and butt!

    When you are done combing out all the fleas pour the water down the toilet or your fleas will come back to life!  Then bath her once or twice more to get the mayo off.

    Make sure to comb out ALL of the fleas.

    I used this method on my three week old kitten and was able to get rid of all her fleas.

  2. There is! It is called revolution ask your vet. I used it on my 4 wk old, and it worked great, it is for kittens under 5lbs.

  3. wash them or him in dawn dish soap, plain not scented.

  4. My vet said to rub baby powder into their fur. It is suppost to choke out the flees. I'd try to keep the bedding clean and maybe even treated.

  5. I took my 2 kittens to the vets for a check up. They gave me frontline and have never seen a flea since on her or in the house, used it on my pregnant cat as well so must be safe,

  6. no not really,  but when they get around 7,8 wks old u can.. tho it says 12. it's still okay,.

    i had that problem when ours were that young.

    what u do is get some flea powder for ur  house/floors but don't  keep the cats in the same room u're doing it.

    then get puppy shampoo/baby shampoo and wash them with that, get some tweezers and get those fleas off and put em in alcohol.

    the shampoo won't irritate them.

    so good luck! and get them off, those poor kittens are so young!

    keep any animals that may go outside and carry fleas away from them.

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