
Is there a free search provider that tells you that your royalty?

by Guest64994  |  earlier

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  1. There are a lot of genealogy sites that can let you trace your ancestry.  If you want to see if your descended from royalty, its definitely a possibility.  My siblings and I traced our ancestry on earlier this summer.  

    We ended up finding out we're descended from King Charles II of England through one of his many illegitimate children, on our father's side of our family.

    So yes.  It's definitely a possibilty you could be a descendent of Royalty.  Don't expect a lot of people to roll out a red carpet for you though if that's the case, as only members of the most senior branch of a family can have a title and the other cool stuff that comes with being royal.

    Good luck and happy searching!


  2. Nevermind a website, I'll tell you right now:

    You're royalty!

    Bam!  Enjoy!

  3. No.  If your parents aren't royalty (and they'd know), then you're not.

    If you meant to say "descended from royalty", the answer is still no but there are a number of online genealogical sites that you could use to help trace your ancestry.  A quick Google search should bring up a few.

  4. I am think you want to find out if your a princess typical no I don't tgink there is one but search you ancestry root syou would be suprised you could find that you ar erelated to some indian chief or a celtic king or something it would be cool if their was though

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