
Is there a future for farming in gt Britain?

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Is there a future for farming in gt Britain?




  1. That is a very complicated question and we need to look at a number of factors.

    Firstly, if farmers in the UK had to try and make their own money by selling food, they would all go bankrupt very quickly.  As it is the EU (european union) spends half of its budget on farm subsidies.

    However in the last few years there are many factors that have been making farming in the UK more viable.  For example, the rise of organic produce which farmers can make bigger profits on.  And even more recently the concern about the environment and 'food miles' means that people are more willing to pay more for food not just grown in their own country but region.

    In conclusion, farming in the UK will continue and even grow provided it is supported by the government.


    Gordon will look after Scotland but God help the rest of us

  3. fish and chips;

    that's a stupid question

  4. probably so, but i mostly doubt it will happen

  5. I certainly hope so!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The odds are stacked against great britain becoming a net food exporter or breadbasket for the world-- food needs space in which to grow, UK has lots of people for the amount of land they have.  However, food also needs a market, and there is no shortage of people in the UK.  So, what growers do have room to grow will be sold.

    The main agricultural export I can see coming out of Britain for the forseeable future is beer&liquor.  This is certainly true of the export statistics available for UK-US trade.

  7. Alas, with the ever expanding population growth demanding more and more space to erect new dwellings, the available land for agriculture decreases at an alarming rate - all over the world, but especially in GB where space is already limited geographically. The British Ministry of Agriculture has given warning of this for more than a decade already! What is needed is a highly scientific approach to more compact farming practices, i.e feedlots for cattle as opposed to free range; battery bred chickens as opposed to the free ranging ones walking all over the farm yard; high yield crops; etc. and obviously importing basic food stuff from elsewhere where there is still enough space (for now), combined with population growth controls (however BIG Brotherish this may sound!!)

  8. Yes, as long as the land is available and urban sprawl is kept in check, there is no reason not to expect otherwise. A country, ANY country, must maintain it's ability to produce food or it will be at the mercy of everyone, and will perish. Never give up the ability to produce, and the powers that be certainly know this. Relying to heavily on imports is a noose that is fearful enough to see let alone feel.

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