
Is there a game for......?

by  |  earlier

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little kid that in pre-school?




  1. Well i think that candyland would be a great game. Its not hard at all and they can learn their colors.

  2. In the preschool that I work in we play tons of games! There are table games that you could do, which is basically any game that you can find in a store that is for ages 3-5. Also, they love duck duck goose and hide and seek.

    we also have a different subject for each week that we can make a folder game for. A folder game is where you take a manilla folder and have cut outs of something to match to the pictures on the folder. For instance, my topic one week was feelings and I made a folder game of a clown with different facial expressions. Inside the folder you put the pictures of the different faces and laminate it. Then you have the same faces cut out and laminated that they can match up. When the folder game is not in use, attatch an envelope to the back of the folder to keep the matches in so you dont lose them.

    Hope that helps =]

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