
Is there a geneology website that helps you figure out if you might possibly be related to a celebrity?

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You know, like gives just the last names, and is free? Thanks for replies

My hubby wants to know!




  1. There are lots of websites that purport to give you info saying you are related to royalty, but I do not know of any honest sites that help one to figure out if they are related to a celebrity.  Let's face it, with more than 300 hundred million persons in the U.S. and nearly 7 billion world wide, that is a lot of relationships.

    If you want to find out if you "might possibly be related to a celbrity", you will just have to do a family tree search for yourself (or husband) and the celebrity and see if there are any matches.

  2. Yes, but not free. has a "famous relatives" section where it will show you links between your genealogy and those of celebrities.

    They do have a 14 day free trial, but you have to have your own genealogy in place first; what you could do is do the free trial, type in the celebrity you're interested in, and see if you recognize any of the surnames in their pedigree.  ( is like the Alps of online genealogy- ain't no way around it.)

    If you have the time, there's also Family Search (a Mormon affiliated site, though you don't have to be Mormon to use it and they don't keep tabs just on Mormons) at  It's a totally free site, but you'll need to spend some time clicking "this was his mom... this was his mom's dad... " etc. looking for the link.

  3. Stop and think, Ma'am. To establish a connection you'd have to have your line back to a common ancestor, and the line of [Elvis Presley / George Bush / Kareem Abdul Jabar / Tom Brokaw / Brad Pitt] back to the same common ancestor.

    Who is going to enter all that data? Besides, it would make life tough for Brad Pitt's second cousin twice removed, who would have to stand guard on his yard ornaments 24/7 for fear people would steal them.

    You can look up many famous people on

    but you'd have to research your line to see if you had a common ancestor.

    You might "possibly" be related to anyone in the USA with your basic ethnic lines. Proving it is the hard part. If you are German, Scot, Irish and English, as are 60% of the non-Hispanic whites in the USA, that's 180 million people.

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