
Is there a genetic test that I can take to prove I am royalty and can you get a title if it is proven you are?

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Just wondering I would like a title it would be nice.




  1. Yeah, you can do a genetic test, but unless you're a 1st cousin or something you're not getting anything.  Especially if you live in the States, as they don't give titles.  Why, are you just looking for something to brag about?

  2. Yes  - and no.

    The best thing to do is research your family history gathering as much detail as possible.  Once you have done that, you can take a DNA test to establish scientific links to others who are also researching similar lines.  If there s a known link that you can tie into via DNA, you may be able to fill in some blanks.  In general, DNA family histories are used as a last resort not a first resort.

    One of the issues with using DNA testing is having a DNA sample to compare yours against.  Since your ancestors probably didn't contribute to the database, you'll have to depend on lateral matches.  These may or may not lead to a title, but they might some day.

    Now to the other unspoken question, why are you so obsessed with a title?  Titles don't define you as a person, yours probably won't come with any land or money, and it was abandoned by your ancestor for some reason - probably a good one.  

    If a title is so important to you, just go buy one to hang on the wall.  That way everyone will know you have a title...and even less sense than money.

  3. No, 'fraid not. Even if a genetic test showed you to be related, it would not prove your legitimacy. Kings and Queens nowadays in most places don't go about giving titles to their illegitimate children, and you are not even claiming such a near relationship as that.

    Being distantly related whether legitimately or not does not mean anything. A title in the nobility is passed down in a family, and people within a certain degree of relationship (like their children) will have their own title.  But there's no title if you are farther away in relationship.

  4. DNA testing that would match you 99.9% to a royal would be the only way,but then,since you would not be a legitimate heir,you'd just be related and not royal.Prince Albert of Monaco has two children "on the wrong side of the blanket"(meaning he wasn't married to the women) and the children just have a prince for a father,but no title.

    The only way to be legitimately royal is to be born into the line of succession or to marry into it if you are a woman.

  5. You will know all of your geneological relatives in the hereafter.I'm sure if you had enough "money" in the here and now that some geneticist could trace your lineage to a certain geographical location somewhere in the world.I'm not sure if I would want to know.You may expose some skeletons that you'd wished you had left in the closet.That may not be so nice to know.

  6. Oh hail the queen! Oh, Queen vivianna. Long live the Queen. I'll give you your own country in la la land if you give me extra points.

  7. Can I ask why you want a title? Even if it is proven that you stem from "royalty", do you expect anyone in this country to address you as such? They won't, so what difference does it make if you hold the title or not?

  8. Well first, can't you check records with the family and ancestors, like family trees and such? I'm sure If you take those and show you are part of the family, then you can work to get a DNA test. I'm sure if you are royalty, then you will have family members you know who then know higher ups and can introduce you someday. Then when all that happens, you can come back and marry me so I can be one too, LOL.

  9. While you might be able to prove that you are related to royalty with a DNA test, it would be much more difficult to obtain a title or any other benefits.

    best of luck to you!

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