
Is there a ghost in my basement?

by  |  earlier

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I was doing laundry the other night. My washer is very sturdy. It takes some muscle to open and shut the lid. I bent down to get some clothes out of the basket on the floor and the lid slammed shut. Before I put my clothes in I checked the washer to make sure it had nothing in it. When I opened the lid back up, a mouse ran out. I was very scared so i threw the clothes in quick, pushed the button and got out of there.

When I went to use the dryer, the door wouldnt open. I was pulling and pulling, wouldn't budge. I put my feet against the dryer and pulled. Still wouldn't move. I kept pulling. My mom came down into the basement and the door popped open very easily and I fell.




  1. It's definitely a ghost! Ghosts, sprites, and other entities can inhabit household appliances. You never know. You probably have a ghost living in your dryer who just wants to be left alone. I think you should just buy another dryer.

  2. Next time it happens tell the Ghost you need to get your clothes out and to please let you open the door..If that dosent work call your mom..aparently she knows how to handle the spook...bearing in mind that the door opend when she came in the room...ask her if she has ever had that problem.

  3. Are these questions and answers on Yahoo serious? Both seem to range from mildly sarcastic to insanely insane. How can anyone get a straight answer? Maybe it's for people who just like to see their thoughts in print. A ghost in my dryer...gimme an effing break. Join a paranormal group if you want real answers and deep discussions, thoughts and ideas.

  4. How many times has this happened?  Many times or just once? Before thinking something paranormal is going on, have a technician check out both the washer and dryer.  The appliances might not be level for one thing.  And spray something like WD-40 on the dryer door latch and hinges but don't get it on the clothes.  That may be part of the problem.

  5. It sounds to me like you are already convinced there is a ghost so it does not matter if the latch is faulty or not or if a repairman could come and find a rational explanation.

    I get frustrated at times people call me to do an investigation and I find a rational explanation so they call a so called "professional" team od ghost hunters out and low and behold they take pictures with dust and call it a ghost. I get yelled at because I did not consider dust ghosts.

    Yes I believe ghost are real, but I do not see them everywhere like most ghost hunters do. I do not consider myself a skeptic either. I consider myself a true believer.

  6. Are you saying there's a ghost living in your dryer?

    Isn't it much, much, much, much, much, much, much more likely that the door latch mechanism is faulty and doesn't work 100% of the time?  Isn't it much, much, etc., more likely that you didn't quite prop up the washer lid all the way and didn't realize it?

  7. Might be a ghost messing w/ you next time just say do I need to go get my mom?

  8. Yes, there's a very shy ghost in your basement and it hides in your dryer.

    You need a dryer exorcist - and an exterminator for the mice.

  9. Are you sure your not overlooking something like a saftey on the dryer latch that doesnt allow it to open while the dryer is on or something?

    If your only indication of a ghost is the dryer and washing machine doors, then it doesnt sound too ghostly to me, it sounds mechanical.

    Think about this. The ghost has the power to hold the dryer door shut against your best efforts to pry it open. If it has that much power, don't you think it could do other things too? Like fling your laundry all over the floor, or push you down on your butt and steal your wallet and go out an buy a beer.........A ghost that powerful has endless possibilities.

  10. check the basement for cold spots, your mother is a faithful servant of god. because of her light and faith she can remove this thing through her power of prayer. when spirits start to become a nuisance such as this its time for them to go. he is harmless but now he is intruding on your lives. time to say bye bye. arch angel Michael and Jesus are the ones to call. if your mom is un able to do this (which is only because of fear) there are other avenues ask god for assistance. much love

  11. The mouse is a personification of a trans dimensional being who created "Deep Thought".

    No, your house is not haunted but beware the Vogons.

  12. for one thing you need a prayer cloth,,and another thing, your mom is an angel. I don't  think you have a demon, i think you have an angel looking out for you.

  13. No ghost just a stupid washer and dryer. Ghost don't want to be bothered. I don't think they have that kind of power.

  14. This is obviously a sock gremlin.On steroids.

  15. I doubt  that it was anything but if there is some sort of entity just relax and pray nothing can possibly hurt you if you do.

  16. How do you know you don't have a magic dragon holding it shut?  Or perhaps it's a magnet troll from the Great Cavern.  Or maybe it's a pixie playing tricks on you...

    ...or you could just be imagining things.

    Which do you think it more likely?  Don't get scared of a situation you don't understand, get curious about it.  Assume nothing paranormal is happening until you have eliminated all other options.  Go in the basement and see if you can reproduce what happened before.  Try to make it happen again, with your mother watching if need be.  This is your chance to escape the darkness of superstition and bask in the light of knowledge and the power of discovery.

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