
Is there a ghost in my house ?

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At my dad's house , I am alone alot on the weekends . One weekend , I heard two loud hisses and we don't have any pets . I was terrifed and then I felt a cold spot . All I know is a old woman died PEACEFULLY here . Please help me !!!!




  1. It does sound like you could have a spirit in the house, but I don't really know with out more info. You can email me at I think I can help.

  2. Has there been anything else besides the hissing? Do you know if there have been any pets that have pasted in the house? I would need more detail to try to help you.


  3. OH **** THAT'S SCARY!!!! i saw a ghost once. FREAKY!

  4. It may be. Her spirit may be protective of her home, She saw you as an intruder. if you e-mail me then i will be able to help you more, I AM Experienced in this matter.

  5. Spirits are all around us. Some are loved ones, some are gaurdians and some are just residual meaning there just like a re-run on T.V. they are just energy left from some other time. Most spirits aren't hear to hurt us. Some times if there is a spirit that has unfinished business it will seek the help of the living to help it finish what it needs to do before it can pass. Some spirits are intelligent and just get a kick out of scaring us. These type of hauntings are very hard dificult to deal with because the spirits are just like us and know what is going on and can interact with us.

    Any ways, I would try and find out other possible causes for the sound first. Are there any window that don't close just right that the wind could have come through and made a strange noise. Was a big truck driving by, some times those big trucks make a whistling sound that can be heard clearly from inside. Try to dis prove first and if you left with evidence then you'll have your answer. The idea that some one died in the house is scary to you and it makes you uncomfortable because of it. Especially if you are alone. The house will seem to come alive when your by youself because your not used to hearing the noises the house makes when no one else is there. There are usaully other noises made other people in the house that cover up those noise made by the house. Belive me, if there is a presence there that wants to make itself know it will do other things to get your attention. Been there done that! Try turning on the T.V. and keeping youself busy and maybe invite some friends over. That will help with the take you mind off it. It used to help me.

    Also, keep a diary of what is going on a well so if you need to take the next step and get help you will have some thing to show not only dad but any one who comes in to help. If you need further help let me know.

  6. It may be a possibility that your house is haunted, but you should check in to some of the false positives (normal things that can produce haunting-like happenings. First you said that you heard hisses. This may be caused by an animal that has gotten into the house or more likely a household appliance such as a dishwasher. It is also possible that you may have paranormal activity in the house. If you are interested in finding out more one way or the other I would research EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). This can be accomplished by purchasing any device that records sound, record without any noises in the background and either ask questions such as "Are there any spirits here to wish to speak with me" or simple questions maybe regarding the elderly female that died in the home. You can also check in to finding a local paranormal investigation group to do it for you. Just be careful and do your homework about the group and make sure they don't try to charge you any money. Hope this helps you out. Cheers!

  7. It is possible ghost are in your house considering that ghost are everywhere. But don't fear because most are peaceful and lost,

    By lost I mean they left there body in such a way that they don't even know that there dead.

    that is why some say they have met or seen mean ghost, there just so aggrevated that no one will listen to them or pay attention to them. Most of the time all you have to do is ask them to go home or into the light and they will. If you still have problems you can contact me at

  8. Yes there is? but don't worry as she can't hurt you, her spirit was trapped somewhere in that house.

  9. You clearly have a ghost.  There is no other explanation.

  10. Maybe, probably. But it also could have been a noise coming from outside and then sheer fear afterwards that made you cold. Though usually when you are afraid you get warmer.

    She can't hurt you. Don't worry. Maybe she just wants to talk. Or maybe she just doesn't want to leave her beloved house.


  12. whoever said her avatar is ugly whatever!!! anyway I have a problem with a ghost i think lives in my room too

    it does sound like you have a little situation... Mabey try setting a camera up where you hear the things. look online on your house from the past to see if there was anyone living there besides the old lady. you might find something!!

  13. if its a ghost it cant hurt you but just cuz she died peacefully dosent mean somthing held her back from passing on

  14. you heard oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! wow ! i wanna hear it too!

    there must be a snake that hissed !

    or the spirit of that old woman that died!


  15. If she died peacefully she may still hang around the house and make her prescence known but is probably not a danger.  But the door has been opened to the otherside if she is there.  You could always burn some sage to cleanse the house and light white candles and talk to her.  The cold spot may have been her, but fear makes the evil come out so think of her as a guardian angel or something positive as to not attract negative energies

  16. yes...that would be cool!

  17. Although I am a believe in the paranormal, the two things you experienced could easily be related to heating and air conditioning issues or the wind outside.

    However, trust your gut.  If your gut is telling you something then go with it but really listen to yourself.  If you have a religious belief system then you should pray for discernment.

  18. yeah but don't worry it's just screwin with ya

  19. it could be

  20. I don't think there is a ghost in your house ,but I think you could try and see where the woman that lived there was buried and maybe if she was buried in your backyard that would be kind of wierd. I think if it really bothers you, you can ask you dad to move or if you are old enough buy your own house. Hope it gets better :)

  21. Have you spoken to your Father about what you've been feeling and hearing?  As a Poppa myself (raising a houseful of women by myself), I have lent an ear to my Daughter's concerns.  If you think you have something if you want answers to your Activity, then by all means consider having a Professional, Objective Team conduct a Scientific Examination of the Premises.  They may be able to tell you why you are having these "feelings", and what the Noise you hearing is.  They Should work for free, and conduct themselves as professionals.  But....most of all, they Should come up with some kind of Answer for you.  If you desire, you may e-mail to, and we will direct you to a Team in your area.


    The Man in Black of Atlanta, GA

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