
Is there a golf betting games for more than three players?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am planning to play a golf betting game, can you help me know is there any golf betting game, that allows more than three players.




  1. Nassau

    Format: Individual or Team

    Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, more

    Nassau is one of the most popular gambling games on the golf course. A Nassau is made up of three matches. The front nine holes make up the first match, the back nine the second, and the 18 hole total makes up the third. Match Play format is most commonly used. A bet is made for each match.For example, a "10-10-10" would indicate a $10 bet on the front nine, a $10 bet on the back, and a $10 bet on the entire 18 holes.

    Presses: Players may 'Press' the match to start another bet. If the Players accept the press, then a new bet begins at the said amount. If automatic presses are pre-agreed upon, a new bet begins automatically at a defined point in the match. For instance, "2-down Autos" means when a player is two holes down, than another bet begins automatically on the next hole. "Autos" are good for players who have a Nassau bet that are not playing in the same group.

    *It is important that all bets be defined prior to the round.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 2 month(s) ago.
This question has 1 answers.


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