
Is there a good bar and grill in Wenatchee, Washington to host a ten year high school reunion at?

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I would like to find a place that has dinner, music (possibly live?) and dancing. Pool tables and games a plus. Somewhere that you can still socialize at, not a nightclub.





  1. Try this place great food and they host groups.  

    J. J. Hills Leavenworth Restaurant & Wine Bar

    Casual Dining & Group Catering in Leavenworth Washington

    Here is a link to their website  Good luck

  2. Some advice you didn't ask for, once you find a place:

    The single most important thing you can do to insure a good time is talk to the DJ before hand. The people who never left town and see each other every week at PTA, soccer practice, poker night etc. are going to want to dance. The ones who did leave town and flew 1,500 miles to attend are going to want to talk, and they are not going to want to shout over the music.

    The ideal solution, if you can afford it, is to hire two rooms. Unless you are from Beverly Hills High, you won't be able to do that. Having the music "on" for 30 minutes, then off for 30 would be a reasonable compromise. Promise the DJ the same amount of money as if he played all night. Impress upon him the desire of half the audience to talk. Reunions are not the same as dances or concerts. People (some people) want quiet time, to talk. Keep hammering that home to the DJ. If necessary, tattoo it on his forehead backwards and give him a mirror. Appoint a "Quiet time" monitor.

    I hear "It was a nice reunion, but the DJ ruined it" a dozen times a year from friends and family.

  3. Did you try the Buzz Inn?  I think they have location in E. Wenatchee and Wenatchee....

  4. How about the Applewood?  El Abuelo also has a meeting area but I've never been upstairs to check it out.

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