Can anyone recommend a good book to help convince my husband that home schooling will not inhibit our son's socialization?
He's a toddler right now (my son that is) so I have time. ;) I have read tons of things on the internet to rebut his claims, but at the end of every conversation he is stuck thinking that the type of socialization with 30 peers, in a PS, outweighs anything a home school lifestyle could provide.
He honestly thinks our son will become a social misfit. We live in the DC area, in the suburbs filled with kids, and there couldn't be more opportunities available for socialization and exciting field trips. Despite that, my husband insists he'll be missing out on something vital! He’s not even sure what it is, he just thinks there must be something to it. Ugh! Help!
I need to hand him a book on the subject or get him to attend some sort of intro to HS seminar that can address this concern. Any recommendations? If not, I’ll take your prayers forus! Thank you!