
Is there a good chance if you've had a misscarriage before, that you will have another one?

by Guest60239  |  earlier

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asking about a friend ,




  1. There are lots of stats on the internet about this. I had two MC before I carried to term. Essentially most physicians will not investigate any pathological cause until you have had 3 MC in a row!

  2. Not necessarily miscarriages happen for alot of different reasons.If you have repeated miscarriages then that's a new problem.But just one don't worry about it everything will be fine.And don't worry about it stress can be a factor in miscarriages

  3. they say one is ok all women can have one and that ok but if you have had like 2 or 3 thing yes  

  4. Its not for sure you will have another one just b/c u have one. If you have 2 or more you are more likely to have another one

  5. It depends on why the first miscarriage happened. If it was something wrong with the fertilized egg, there's not necessarily any greater chance of another miscarriage. If it's because of issues with her uterus, for example, then miscarriages are more likely.

    Good luck. Tell her to ask lots of questions, and to stay positive.

  6. yes, there is.

    I miscarried at 5 weeks back in January.

    I am now 19 almost 20 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl!

    It does happen! Just wait for the right time!


  7. I had my daughter, mc, then had another girl. I don't believe if you've had one you will have another.

    I had a friend who had 2 then delivered 2 boys.  

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