
Is there a good homeopathy course offered on-line? If yes, please advice details. Thanks.?

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Is there a good homeopathy course offered on-line? If yes, please advice details. Thanks.?




  1. there r bound to be many on line courses. but what is with practical is sure to be 100 % more effective then mere on line. u have to study the patients, his history, his behavour, his facial exression, his mood and countless other to understand the pshycology. on line doctor will be just a certificate. which does not qualify u to be a doctor. i have many books and i read and apply on my self or family members. i dont touch any complicted case

  2. I like SkepDoc's answer.

  3. Ive a great resource in the herbal healer academy,tell them  referred you.Http:// Mc cain is a world class naturopath,teaches naturopathy,a class in homeopathy is part of it.I believe in naturopath;she sells some homeopathic remedies,tho.Shes got a lot of great stuff in her catalog,send for one and free lifetime

  4. Let me give an online homeopathy course right now.

    Take some lactose and starch...get yourself a pill maker and lots of little bottles.

    Fill the bottles with tap water, and make the starch into tablets.

    Inscribe alot of arcane sounding names on them.

    Give them out to people who have nothing much wrong with them in the first place, and assure them that if they get means the homeopathic treatment is working; if nothing happens it means the homeopathic treatment is working, and if they get better, then obviously the homeopathic treatment is working.   (I'm not making that up...I actually saw that explanation on a homeopathic website) are now as fully qualified to treat patients as any homeopath coming out of a 4 year program.

  5. offers a fantabulous online course,

    it's free, & upon completion of the 18? chapters

    (3 per day max) you get a certificate of completion.

    Have fun!

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