
Is there a good movie on Martin Luther King Jr. that is geared to kids?

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Looking for ideas for my son, to learn about MLK for January. He is age 7. Thanks.




  1. there is a cartoon

  2. I've watched Malcolm X directed in 1992 and starring Denzel Washington many times and according to the book and life story, it's very useful to learn about him, dunno in fact if it's appropriate for ur son to watch due to the violent scenes in it! but it's really a great movie and touchy with true information, specially that how some people even they call them selves Muslims may miss use Islam for their own benefits! and how/why Must Muslims are supposed to seek the truth and practice the true Islam...

    if you haven't watched the movie before, watch it and decide if it's good for your son.

    May you and your family be happy and live in peace,amen.

  3. I want to add to Missi's answer... I never watched MalcomX... but I just wanted to suggest something. Though I agree things need to be age appropriate and I really think you should watch everything before showing it to children... I want to suggest not shying away from sometimes the "hard things to talk about" Homeschooling is a wonderful idea (I was homeschooled for a few years) and I really appreciated my mother telling me all the facts... she taught me things like about MLK and why he is so much discussed... but she also discussed the riots that happened and the "not so great things"... and we talked about why this happened... I learned that good happens and bad happens... but its how you handle a situation that matters. Your child may be too young right now for all of that (you know him better than anyone!) but as he gets older and if you continue to homeschool him I would suggest letting him know "all the facts" good or bad... and discuss w/ him why certain things happened... Sorry if I am ranting... I am a teacher and I am a lil' jealous that you have the right to teach your child "all the facts" where I, in a public school, am limited to what they tell me I can teach. I want children to know all the facts and be able to think for themselves... children are VERY VERY smart... Good Luck!!

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