
Is there a good reason to enforce a ban on so-called "blood diamonds"?

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Or is it just a mechanism for De Beers to enforce its monopoly?




  1. The governments of countries that sell blood diamonds uses the money to buy weapons to wage war, and commit genocide. They are illegal to help save millions of innocent lives. Unfortunately, greedy rich people care more about money than people, and try to buy them anyway.

  2. Stop buying blood diamonds so that there will be no demand and people will not be hopeless in getting it for sale. This way, violence will be eliminated.

  3. There are millions of reasons to ban the so called blood diamonds. Mobutu, Kasawubu, Bokassa, Amin and other black dictators made billions from the suffering of the fellow blacks who provided them with gold, diamonds, ivory and other commodities. It was easy to blame the former colonial powers for the situation. Many left wing politicians and press in the West agreed with those false leftist lies.

  4. Yes there is a good reason and De Beers does benefit.

    Blood diamonds are the drug money as jewelry.  Drugs finance terror and jewels also.

    Terror and crime need to be stopped not enriched.

  5. Why not just wear a dead African child around your finger? It protects (we hope) people from violence.

  6. You can get into trouble asking such daring questions!

  7. It stops countries from getting rich on slavery, in my opinion.

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