
Is there a good reason why I should ever get married?

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I am in high school and have never dated. I am fine being by myself and I actually prefer being alone than being around in crowds. I get anxiety around crowds and feel awkward even around my friends. My life is politics, business, and earning money. No girl would help me with my goals. I am young, but I am certain my views will not change and I know I could never get a girl, even if I was more interested in getting one.

Girls today have had their minds poisoned by the femininazi culture and are expecting men to do everything nowadays. I'm not going to let any girl take advantage of me. I need to stand up for myself.

I am a nice guy and would not treat a girl badly, but I just do not trust any of them and am fine being by myself.




  1. your parents just want grandkids. next time they say it, tell them to shut uupp.

    im a girl and im the same way. i would love it if i were single my whole life.


  3. Don't feel like you have to get married. You might change later and want to get married, or stay the same through life. And there are girls like the one you want, they're just hard to find. Don't settle for second best (I don't think you would anyway) but wait for the right one. Anyways, that's my advice. I don't think there's a good reason to get married unless you're in a serious relationship with a girl.

  4. Hey if you are fine with being by yourself then that's cool. I would broaden your freinds with female friends and as for your goals you shouldn't count on anyone to get to them. I do agree with you about the "femininazi" but also with guys there is a flip side. Guys expect things from girls too.

  5. you don't have to be married to be happy but if you meet a great girl i don't think you should not take a chance with her because you are scared.

    if you want to have a GF then you should be open to relationships when the oppurtuinity presents itself

  6. Please DO NOT get married if you do not want to.  That would be unfair to you and the girl.  Only get married if you find someone you really want to spend the rest of your life with.

  7. to reproduce :-)

  8. I know how you feel.

    I would prefer to be single my entire life also.

    I am socially akward and dont really fit in.

    I have friends but they are basically all girls.

    I am waiting to date until after high school.

    When the guys grow up a learn how to treat a lady and arent complete jerks.

  9. No, marriage isn't h**l. I'm only married recently so leave my experience aside, but just looking at my father and his wife how happy they are together I know it. Sure bad stuff happen, my dad divorced my mom when I was 4 months, but that wasn't the end of the world and it didn't keep my dad from getting married again and start a new life.

    I don't know your age, but I think you just haven't met the right girl. Girls are not all the same, just like boys aren't either

  10. Hey, marriage isn't for everyone. And no, not all married couples get married and then realize that the marriage was h**l... some marriages actually work. If you don't want to get married, that's cool.

  11. dude i think if your fine with being alone then thats kool

    but u no...wouldnt u get lonely?

  12. There may be a girl out there who complements your best qualities and visa versa. Just because you don't date in high school, doesn't mean you won't in college. Although your values in life may not change, hopefully with age and experience your views may broaden. Just a hint, girls and women are very different creatures, just like boys and men. There are many reason to marry. Some choose to do so because they want to have kids. Others, such as myself, believe that when you marry, your spouse becomes family. Lastly, it is economically advantageous to be married (think insurance, taxes, health care, etc.).

  13. If you don't want children or marriage, no one can force it on you, it's your choice. But you shouldn't have to worry about that, because no girl WANTS to date someone who assumes (incorrectly) that all women are gold-diggers who are taking advantage of men. *rolls eyes*

  14. The s*x.

  15. To prove youre not g*y. Of course this never works.

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