
Is there a good way or an easy way to tidy your bedroom?

by Guest63891  |  earlier

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My mum (yes mum) Wont let me have anything until i tidy my bedrroom. is there a fun or eays way to do itt? alsoo. I have white walls. could anyone tell me what i could draw on them?




  1. What I did when I was younger to draw on my walls was take pieces of scrap press board and spray paint them with chalkbard paint. Even now, I have dark brown/black walls, I use a white foam glow paint around the holidays to spook the kids and it wipes off clean.

    Just pick up after everything you do.

    I'm not sure how old you are, but my biggest problem when I was in school was leaving scrap paper from my homework all over the floor.

    Keep your spare paper in a drawer with your pens and pencils and whatever other school things you have.

    Keep any toys/makeup you have in a special box.

    Throw out anything you won't use anymore, even if you think you can use it tomorrow you'll probably just lose it again.

  2. I got bored tidying my room when I was younger and decided to colour code everything.

    I basically ended up by putting everything that was red in one corner, everything blue in another etc

    OK so it took a while and is completely impractical but it looked great and i could find everything.

    Re the drawing on the walls,  I wouldn't recommend it as you may get bored with it.  I recommend posters/pictures or coloured scarves as when you change your mind you can easily remove them.

  3. An easy organizer tidy upper would be cute hat boxes. They come in various sizes and colors to match any decor.

    My style is rather contempo minimalist I HATE clutter! So alot of times to tidy up fast I throw small things or even larger for that matter into my hat boxes so they are out of the way. It also makes it easier to dust. The hat boxes look 'cute' or decorative. Yet have hidden junk I haven't had time to deal with yet...buttons to sew on, receipts to go through....

    I also wouldn't really recommend writing on your walls. Instead if you like art or to draw do it on a canvas or even paper for that matter and frame them on your wall. Even large poster or mural sized would be cool.

  4. If you draw on the walls I suspect you will get grounded forever.

  5. Just do a half ärsed job of it. Slung things under your bed and put random things in draws.

    I'm not sure what to suggest for you to draw on your walls, but you should draw something that interests you, like I would draw the 'Heroes' helix symbol.

  6. Mt first thought was to tell you that the easiest way is to get someone else to do it!!

    My daughter got a friend in and they spent all day (it was VERY messy), sorting it out to  lots of loud music. They had a great time re-discovering things that my daughter thought she had lost or forgotten about. As for your walls, you could maybe go to your local DIY store and see what they have in the way of stencils. Then pick a colour paint that you like and get to work.

  7. I don't know if you ever saw the sSherry Bobbins episode of the simpsons, if you did then you'll know what i'me talking about and if not then i suggest you open your cupboard and pull the sheets away if there covering the hole under your bed and just stuff things in any crevis you can find. It's twice as quick but there is no way to make it fun.

    As for your walls just stick random posters and stuff everywhere and dont think about what to draw on the walls it will look a lot better isf you and your friends just put the first thing that pops into your head on them.

  8. peace sign's and power flower's

  9. if you tidy up after yourself as you go along then it doesnt get into a state

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