
Is there a good website I can go to to find new authors similar to authors I already read?

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Is there a good website I can go to to find new authors similar to authors I already read?




  1. I have always had luck going to and searching for books you already know you like Then, they give you a page of recommended authors to browse and they're usually in the same genre. I've never been dealt something I didn't like.

  2. Go to your library and ask about their databases. one of them should be a database called Novelist, and it will tell you about authors that are like other authors as well as almost all of the books they have written. Good Luck, its addicting.

  3. I use to keep track of which books I've read and whether I liked or disliked them. The best part of the site is the user review feature which provides a lot of insight into the book to help you decide whether or not you'd like to read it.

  4. well amazon always gives u suggestions so try that but just go to google and search insted of asking pointless questions  

  5. eh...idk. lol i just google it.

  6. helped me a lot.

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