
Is there a habit someone does that drives you crazy?

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like a pet peeve of yours that you can't stand. What is it? Mine is people who don't use signals while switching lanes. HOW HARD IS IT TO FLIP THE SWITCH PEOPLE????




  1. Yes it is people who needlessly ask stupid questions and polls here. None of which makes any difference to mankind, or that people could care less about. How do you turn your switch, and those liky you, off.pp

  2. people talking on their cell phones while driving under the speed limit, not using their turn signals, etc.

  3. I have a couple of them.  

    1) People who pull out in front of you and drive really slow.  Especially when no one is behind you.

    2) People who go very slow in the left lane.

    3)  People who are obviously lost and stop at every street(looking for the street name) in stead of pulling over.

    4) When you see an old person who can barley walk and have a cane or walker get out of the drivers seat.

    5) Drunk drivers!

    6) People who sit at green lights.

    7) People who are sitting at a red light and have the entrance to the store, gas station, bank parking lot blocked.

    8) Old people.  Not all but I think after a certain age, they should have to retake thier drivers test.  I bet a lot would fail.

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