
Is there a hard rule about having the same number of attendants on each side?

by Guest31768  |  earlier

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We are planning a wedding for next fall. I only want my two sisters to be my bridesmaids, and he has 3 groomsmen. We have having a classy but not extravagant ceremony.

I have had a few people tell me that you just have to have the same number of attendants on each side. I don't want more and he doesn't want to cut one out. I am fine with it being uneven, I just wanted to get some outside opinions.




  1. You can have whatever you want.

    We also have one more guy than girl. (He will have 6 & I have 5).  

  2. At my first wedding (I was YOUNG) my mother forced me to add another female in, so I added my sister-in-law and she was a nightmare, complaining about EVERYTHING!  Keep you wedding party to those people you really want & do not give in to others expectations.  

    At my second wedding, I had my brother stand up for me! THAT is the way to go!!  : )

    You can have the wedding party walk in one at a time instead of pairing them off... OR you can have 1 woman walk in with 2 men, then a pair.  

    Good Luck & here's to a great marriage!

  3. no only your mother and mine will insist. Luckily my mom won't know until the wedding day. We will have 4 bridesmaid and 5 groomsmen.

  4. Why would it matter? Attendants are there because you wish to honour them by having them there on your special day. It cheapens it if they are chosen to round out the numbers. Good for you for not worrying about having a fairytale wedding.  

  5. Nope - only bridezillas insist on matching pairs :-)

    the bridesmaids process in one x one and stand on the bridey side, ditto  with the groomsmen (or groomspeople, they don't have to be all male) so it doesn't matter at all that there are extra people.  Same with 2 flowergirls, one ringbearer, etc.

    When going OUT, match up the pairs of people following the bride and groom, and when there is an uneven number, the guy takes a girl on both arms, or vice versa, or two girls can exit as a pair.  In your case, the extra guy can walk in a threesome, or take one of the parents, or just exit solo.  easy.

  6. It's your wedding, you can have as many or as few attendants on each side as you want. :-)

  7. the only rules that exist are the ones you place.

    do what feels best for you - it is your wedding after all.

  8. At first, I was insistent on having an even number of attendants...but then I fired my MOH and I didn't care anymore after that.

    I had 3 girls and 4 guys...and it was perfect!  

    Just go with makes you happy and enjoy yourselves!

  9. Your wedding your decision, this goes for everything do exactly what you want no-one has the right to criticise. have a fabulous day x

  10. Groomsmen and bridesmaids absolutely do NOT need to be matched in number, nor in any other way. This is a wedding, not a choreographed dance number: what matters is that they be your dearest friends and that they support you and your choice to marry.

  11. It is 100 percent up to you and your FH. If he wants 15 guys with him and you only want 1 special friend with you, that is totally fine. I think people only go for even numbers to have enough girls to link with enough guys walking back down the aisle. But that doesnt matter - you can have it however you want, and if you are ok with uneven-ness, go for it! So far, I have 3 girls and my fiance had about 6 guys at last count!!! Ha ha!  

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