
Is there a hazard symbol yet for global warming?

by  |  earlier

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You know, like bio-hazard, acids, flammables...a symbol to warn people they might inadvertantly contribute to global warming.

I'm thinking it should be something...atmospheric. And the icon should represent sunlight's multiple wavelengths. How about a big rainbow??




  1. For ideas-

    How about the picture of the earth melting?


    or the world on fire?



    or Antarctica melting?

  2. you should make one.

    you gotta do it do it..

    DO IT.


  3. Maybe you should make one and send it to EPA.

    It would be a good idea to put one on polluting cars or on factroy safety profiles.

    So if you were buying a car that has a big bold global warming symbol on it, it will make your concience think twice about buying it.

    This would probably cause more people to think about it, when the other hazard symbols portray danger and show that certain items are dangerous.

    So i think they should make one!

    Good idea man!

    My idea for one would be a pic of the earth in flames or

    a pic of the earth with the sun eclipsed behind it!

  4. Yes, It is a picture of a crock of ****.

  5. Nope hate 2 break it 2 ya

  6. a big rainbow is far too g*y.

    How about a pcture of the Earth with a big flame on top?

  7. why, there is no global warming, just shills with books to sell.

  8. How about a cow with a red circle and a slash covering the cows rear end?

  9. How about Al Gore with an arrow through his head

  10. not yet.  it seems nobody cares.  i think it should be like the earth all sad and depressed.

  11. Well that'd be a visual oxymoron wouldn't it? Rainbows usually symbolise happyness and joy.

    A globe with the skull and cross-bones on it perhaps?

  12. That is rich! Now for a catchy slogan... Ban the prism!


  14. You know .......that is a good question..........should e-mail Al Gore....he would probably make one and give you all the credit!!!!!!! never know!!!! you just might get a Nobel peace prize!!!!!!!

  15. Not that I know of.

    Rainbow is taken by the g*y/L*****n awareness foundation.

  16. I think the g*y movement has dibs on the rainbow thing. How about something like this: a stylized head (like they have in all signs) but there is a small sun above it and 3 wavy lines ("rays) coming down, and the upper half of the head is just bones?

  17. How about a face shot of Al Gore dreaming of dollar signs? Since he seems to be the one profiting the most from this FRAUD he is mostly responsible for perpetrating on the world.

    Read some recent news, global warming is over, it's cooling now.

  18. I think that the symbol could be the world flooded.

  19. They should make a hazard symbol out of Washington DC for the amount of hot air coming out of it.

  20. global warming is fake and AL gore is a crook should be sued for promoting it has a hazard. and i really feel sorry for people who believe its real. just do your own research don't let the media tell you what to believe in

  21. melting ice in the arctic

  22. How about a picture of Al Gore with wads of cash coming out of his pockets.

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