
Is there a healthy way to get protein for a veg-head?

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ok i've been a vegitarian for two weeks. i've been feeling a little sick and my mom says i look pale. i know that i need protein. i'm a type o blood type so my body craves meat to be healthy. i need to know what i can do to get good protein without eating meat. were also tight on money so i can afford really expensive things. is there a healthy way to get protein for a veg head?




  1. Congrats on going veg! Good vegetarian sources of protein include almonds, black beans, cashews, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, peanut butter, pinto beans, soybeans, soymilk, sunflower seeds, and tofu.

    You shouldn't have a problem getting enough protein if you're eating enough calories and have a balanced diet - fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. Good luck!

  2. Beans, green vegetables, nuts, soy products. None of that is particularly expensive. :}

  3. You don't crave meat because you have type O blood; you crave meat because you were raised eating it.  The blood type c**p is pure junk science.  Forget all about it.  If you stay away from meat, you'll stop craving it.

    All you have to do to get protein is follow the vegetarian food pyramid.  Make sure you're getting enough calories to meet your energy needs.  Protein is found in soybeans and soy-based foods like tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, soy milk and all of the faux meat products on the market.  Other good sources include beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains (all of them, but check out quinoa in particular for a complete protein,) nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables (especially dark green ones,) dairy products and eggs.

    The idea that meat is the end all, be all of protein sources is just a myth.  On a per calorie basis, broccoli has more protein than beef.  And the argument that animal proteins are complete and plant proteins are not becomes moot when you realize that no one in the developed world is relying on a single source of protein anyway.  

    Your cheapest sources are going to be whole grains and legumes bought in bulk and cooked from scratch.  Lentils, split peas, dried chickpeas, quinoa, brown rice, millet, etc... can form the basis of a lot of delicious, protein-packed meals depending on the seasonings and produce to add to them.

  4. there are protein pills/multivitamins. you can also eat beans, the have lots of protein. Hope I helped!!!

  5. no there isnt. us vegetarians are freaks of nature that dont need protien

    beans, morningstar products, and they have protien powder


    im stupid,  i know...i love the morningstar products, all but the chicken patties, they r really mushy inside

  6. Good sources of protein include the following:

    - Nuts (Especially walnuts)

    - Beans

    - Tofu is an excellent source of protein, however, it is an acquired taste.

    - Cheese

    Don't give up you'll learn to live with it and hopefully save some animals while you're at it.

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