
Is there a hero in peaceful time?

by Guest32789  |  earlier

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Is there a hero in peaceful time?




  1. God

  2. Yes. Not all problems are military. Firemen are heroes. Policemen can be heroes when you're in need. The neighbor can be a hero, too! Your problem can seem small, even, and you still have a hero in someone who helps out. Soup kitchens and volunteers are heroic. Etc, etc.

  3. Heroes are still the military because they are always getting ready for the next war.  But really, it's also the good parents, teachers, role models, firemen, police, emt, etc.    Sometimes the biggest heroes are the ones you never hear about.

  4. are you married..then you are a hero to your you have are for sure a hero to them..there are heros every

  5. Sure,a hero is the one that maintains the peace.

  6. Sure -- sports figures, astronauts, scientists, police & firefighters..

  7. People tend to idealize heroes. We usually think of heroes as super-powerful guys who will kill everyone who gets in their way - some kind of Bourne. That´s not the truth. Hard working people who silently perform their duties are the real heroes..forgotten by most of us

  8. Yes.  Who is YOUR hero?

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