
Is there a high paying job in anything paranormal related??

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is there anything high paying that has anything at all to do with the paranormal?? or even a high paying job that requires the same skills as someone into paranormal investigating???




  1. Ok, not to put a damper on your hopes, dreams, and aspirations -- but I will be the first to tell you that it doesn't take a huge amount of skill to be a "paranormal investigator".

    What do you have to do? Take a lot of pics and turn the audio recorder on? --- Trust me, I've done enough "investigating" to know what it takes; the *hard part* comes in for me in regards to actually dealing with the spirits.

    It takes more skill in detecting all the possible logical answers and rationalize if there is the possibility of a "haunting".

    Even as a Medium, the very first things I do is look for the answer to what is causing the "problem". Spirits are everywhere -- even in houses that don't seem to be 'haunted' to walk into a house and say "There are spirits here..." is just redundant BS.

    You could open an item shop; or "become psychic" as it has been suggested --- but your odds of making any kind of HONEST money are the same as any other business and it won't be easy.

    I've been "psychic" my entire life and I still have a day job...why? Because I am not after fame and fortune; my whole purpose for being is to educate people about the Inner World.

    My odds are highly likely that I'll never retire from my day job as I never expect to make enough money teaching classes on the weekends or by writing a book --- if a few people happen to remember me when I die or if I happen to earn enough from teaching to quit my other job; great, I've accomplished something in my life...but I will not seek to be recognized for fame and fortune.

    However, if you're able to sell yourself and to convince other people to buy what you're selling...godspeed.

  2. If you're willing to take money from people in exchange for a "service" that does absolutely nothing (like "detecting" ghosts for them), then you can make some money.

    In my opinion, such a job is simply a way of perpetrating fraud against people.  Shame on you if you select a profession like this - one that contributes absolutely nothing to society.

    You could also become a feng shui practitioner, or a tarot reader.  Both of these are equally fraudulent.  Even when the practitioner believes in what they are doing, they are simply fooling themselves, along with the victim they are taking money from.

  3. No jobs other than what professional psychics do.  Detectives and investigators have hunches but real psychics know.

    Anywhere there is interest there is money.

    Anyone with an honest gift becomes a pearl of great price.

    i earned my bones on Venice Beach giving psychic astrology readings for a dollar a minute.

    i didn't hook anybody. clients asked me to do parties. i am a valid reader and clients pay for the truth and as your reputation grows you charge more.

    For an empath such as myself during the reading i sweat the same sweat as my client.

    eventually i started a psychic radio talk show,  the more i charged for my readings the more clients i had.

    L A has a lot of crazy people in it.  I am not a messiah. eventually i gave it all back to God.

    What you do with your ability and what you do with your clients is often beyond your control.

    TV and film was the cash cow for me because it controls peoples interest.

    Becoming a religious figure is tricky but that is where the real money is it you have the gift.  

    If you have the gift, charisma comes along with it.  Living the life that exists in everyone else's hearts  and speaking for them is the outcome desired by every charismatic leader.

    Today I teach high school biology and seamlessly use all of my skills whenever i can without acknowledgment, surprise or extra money.

    Today i am the Teacher i wished i had in high school.  it is enough.

  4. Not honestly,you'll have to deceive people.You need to get them to believe without evidence.Once you do, ask them for money.Fortune telling by cold reading can be quite rewarding.It's not hard to learn either.

  5. Probably not, unless you can make it on TV like the TAPS guys did. I'm thinking that all they are seeing nowadays is dollar signs. Or, if you have no morals, you can follow in the footsteps of Sylvia Browne and John Edward.

  6. The bucks are in writing books or having a segment aired on the TV.  Even then, only a few get rich doing paranormal investigation The skills to earn money from it involve marketing and presentation.  You'd have to sell your findings somehow.

  7. ghostbusting....... they  have great health benefits plus 401k.

    you can buy the laser that shoots lightning from ebay. its refurbished but itll still smoke those sneaky little devils!

    when theres something strange in ya neighborhood, who ya gonna call.......?

  8. You could become a psychic.  Either open up a shop, or advertise in the backs of magazines, etc.  I think that some of them offer a free initial reading, and then once you "hook" them, you can get more money out of them.   There are psychics on the internet doing this.

    You could cast spells for a price.  Do a search on the internet for spell casting, and you will turn up sites that casts spells for a fee.  You could call yourself a Warlock, witch, sorcerer, etc.

    You could also go to Clickbank, and see if they offer any paranormal types of products that you could sell, such as  tarot, etc.  You could market these via Google Ads, your own blog, etc.

    Become a ghostbuster.  Look for ghosts and investigate hauntings for people.  Maybe even charge them to get rid of their ghost.   The TAPS guys make a lot of money, but it is hard to break into this form of entertainment.

    Start you some sort of paranormal blog, using Wordpress, etc.,  Then enrich it with adsense ads. After a few months, you  should be able to make some on adsense.

    Maybe start some sort of spiritualist or religous oriented website, and post some kind of daily prayer or saying of the day.   Ask for donations.  I am sure after a while, you will start getting some.  I think you can even become an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church on the internet.  You could then get Tax breaks, etc  Some preacher is selling "holy water" on the internet, whatever that is.

    This is just a few ideas to get your mind going.  I think you can pretty much do anything, in this field, as the law seems to take a anything goes approach to it.

  9. Almost 20 years ago someone published a list of the 250 best jobs, based on criteria such as money, future potential, danger, time away from families, and so forth.  What I remember about that survey is that astrology was in the top ten.

    My two cents -- and worth every penny -- is that astrology is nonsense.  Augustine, using only common sense and no reference to religion, demolished the whole idea 1,700 years ago in "The City of God," but Augustine is long dead, and astrology is thriving.

    If you are really good at suppressing disbelief, astrology is my nomination!  Learn enough about it to make predictions.  Here's how you get your reputation:

    1)  Come up with twenty reasonable, but not probable predictions.

    2)  Send each one somewhere: in a letter to your local newspaper, here on Yahoo, it doesn't much matter.  Just get it down ahead of time.

    3)  After time has passed, look up which of these has come out as you predicted.  Let's say that eight did.  Make up a list of 10 (say) more predictions, a little more probable than last time, and send them to the eight places who got the first correct prediction from you.

    4)  Let's say 3 of the 8 come through.  Now you have three places out there for which you have made two consecutive unreasonable predictions.

    Offer all three of them your services for a modest fee, referring to the correct predictions you have already sent them.  If they accept your offer, do your best for them.  If there is something in astrology, and you believe in it, you might even be right better than fifty percent of the time.  

    DON'T read "The City of God."  It might make you disbelieve your profession.

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