
Is there a highest art form and/or which would you most like to be skilled at?

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I was just wondering people's opinions on what they'd consider to be the highest art form, or whether this is impossible to judge or decide criteria for. For example, is music greater not only for the skill and passion required for its creation but also for the effect it has on those listening to it. Does great music have a greater power to inspire and move than, for example, great sculpture or poetry? Is it possible to create some form of hierarchy, has this been attempted?

I personally am not particularly artistic (beyond being a struggling writer) which is perhaps why I'm curious about the incredible skills of others.

If I was able to choose an art form apart from writing I'd go for composing music, followed by sculpture.

And please don't claim that everything is as good as anything else because it isn't. Me playing the spoons on my knee and improvising on a kazoo isn't just as good as the complete works of Mozart no matter how much of my heart I put into it.




  1. I don't think you can rank different art forms as more powerful or less powerful. Sometimes the simplest things that can create the most profound inspiration while some more direct and grand forms can have the same effect. How can you give a number value to something like this?

  2. music because it's universal.

    verbal because words are the most precise art form. and you can use it in anything- even every day.

    painting/drawing because some things can't be done in sculpture or words.

  3. Painting and sculpting.  I am saying this only because I can't even draw a circle and I am envious of the talents of others.

  4. Torn between two


    It is using your body to interpret music, emotion

    It requires self awareness, timing, co-ordination, acting skills, story telling skills, physical fitness, poise balance grace etc

    This for me is the most demanding and varied art form


    To be ablt to make others laugh is a skill, a gift that demands the ability to bond, to reach out to an audience and understand what will work for them

    For me this is the highest art form because it connects directly with other people and produces an instant emotional response

  5. I think art is the highest art form, because you can express any emotion through art. Kandinski painted movement and music, Da Vinci drew scientific works of art, and as the saying does, a picture can say a thousand words...

    It covers all the mediums. And it is the original art form, before language and written text, we used art as a form of communication, we still do.

    No matter where you are in the world, a work of art can always spark an emotion.

  6. In music, the most sublime kind of art. Ars artium!.

  7. I just heard of the art of Pimpology from a crazy guy with a tatoo of a dragon on his face. Would that count?

  8. I believe the art of technique is the highest of all.

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