
Is there a highlight option in Excel?

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In Word, there's a highlight text option, I don't know if Excel has that option. I know that there's a "fill square with color option", but is that the best I can do?




  1. there is a bucket of paint icon - you use it to highlight cells

  2. It has the same affect.  FWIW: you can select multiple cells and apply the color to all of them in one fell swoop.

  3. If you only want to highlight parts of a word in an Excel cell, select the font color you wish to start with and begin typing.

    When you get to the point you want to highlight a part of the word, click on the font color selector next to the paint bucket and select the highlight color.

    The text will now change to the color you selected.  At the point you wish to go back to the original color, click on the font color selector again and change back to black, or whatever.

    Do all this without leaving the cell you are typing in.

    This is about the best you can do in Excel.

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