
Is there a highway code in Paris? Cars ignore red lights.?

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Whilst in Paris, I noticed that even when it's a green man on a crossing, cars and motorbikes still drive past. I was surprised each time, but noticed no one else on the crossing was, so assumed its normal. The same happened on zebra crossings.

Are cars and motorbikes allowed to do that?




  1. When green man is on, cars MUST stop .... theoritically, because drivers still have the right to turn on the right, for example.

    On zebra crossing, pedestrians are theoritically prior to cars, but not any pedestrian dares as not any drivers cares, except maybe american ^^ ( or european from northern countries, it's worse in Italy ) .

  2. In France, unlike here, pedestrians do not have right of way at crossings. In fact, if you get hit by a car on a crossing, the driver can sue you for damage to his vehicle. The green man is only an indication that the traffic has stopped on the RED light side only. Any car turning from a GREEN light has right of way

  3. prob..i mean its like everywhere else, people do it anyways..theres always the "stupid" kind out there you know

  4. No more so than in any other European country. But you'll still find drivers doing the same thing across the continent, they are commonly known as 'jerks'.

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