
Is there a historical reason why a ship is called a 'she'?

by  |  earlier

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or are some refered to as 'he'?

thanks :)




  1. well it depends on where it was created. you see i'm from Russia and in Russia everything is eather a she, he or it. its weird, but once you grow up just understand what is what. it depends on what the world ends with. Fork in Russia is a she, table is a he. it sounds like nonecence in english. same with a ship. if you say it in Russian it will be a she, maybe in other European countries as well

  2. Ships are referred to in the female gender because the captain was basically "married" to his ship back in the old days. Therefore, the ship was the captain's lady.

  3. George M. forgot one......

    She always shows her top and hides her bottom.

  4. and dont forget the ever loving: men are always spending money on her

  5. Yes, for the same reason as most lands are spoken of as female. However some famous ships were called he, being named after males; 2 ships I know of were the Russian 'Karl Marx' & the German 'Bismark'

  6. I think it is also supposed to be good luck.

  7. Basically, all man made articles that carry things e.g. passengers, goods etc.are called 'she' .Named because 'SHE' is  the female gender, ( human and animal) who also carry, that is,  their offspring.

  8. Why a ship is called a SHE.

    1)coz her bottom is always wet,

    2)when she arrives port,she heads for the bouys.

    3)when she berths,alot of men go on top of her,

    4)she requires a lot of paint cosmetics to keep her good looking.

    Hope this is helpful.

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