
Is there a home remedy for sour stomache?

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I have this nasty burp and it smells awful. I tried taking rolaids, Tums, and zantac, but none of them seemed to work. Pleae help me I'd like to sleep next to my husband without him gagging each time I belch.




  1. ginger tea or chamomile

  2. Try a small glass of milk. It sometimes calms your stomach. I know it helps when I have an upset stomach. Also try Pepcid AC (or whatever that pink medicine is called.)

  3. You may need to have a look at what you are eating and drinking first. Try avoiding fried foods, sugar, fats, carbonated drinks, processed foods, spicy foods.

    Yoghurt is good to help the healthy bacteria in your stomach.

    It might be a good idea to see a naturapath who can probably give you something to help as well as advise on what not to eat to avoid the problem.

    Good luck with it!!!

  4. Both liquid chlorophyll and pineapple every day promote a healthy digestive environment and that might perhaps help.

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