
Is there a home remedy?

by  |  earlier

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I have an uncle who is very dear to me, he recently came here from detroit to escape the wiles of a herion addiction. he was using on a daily basis (main lining)> i just learned that you don't always be successful in doing that and they call it a miss, hoever the parts on his arm where he missed his veins are hidious, its discolored and has a lot of huge lumps my question is will it ever get back to normal and is there anything that we can use to speed up the process. I can tell that he's embarressed by it because he wears long sleeves in 100 degree weather, please tell me what can i do to help my buddy?




  1. He can speed up the process by taking Homeopathic Arnica in 9 CH dilution. 5 granules once a day for 3 weeks.

    The best of luck in his recovery to your uncle.

  2. There really isn't anything you can do except put band-aids over them if there aren't that many. I'm sorry but I know from experience what he's feeling, and so far I haven't found a solution. But there is good news, they will eventually go away. A couple weeks to a couple months.

    I hope he is successful in quitting (it is definitely worth it) and he will need all the support you can give him. Good Luck!  

  3. you could try calendula its use for injuries, burns, bruises, its worth a shot since it speeds the healing of any type of injuries, Get the herb and mix with a little water and apply on top of the area then put a cloth over it to keep in place.

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