
Is there a homemade filipino concoction for sunburn?

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i want my burns (mostly my back & shoulders) to heal naturally but it hurts. is there something i can do in the meantime?




  1. maybe baby oil would help.

  2. Aloe will help.  Also Noxema cream if you can find that at the drug store.  If its sensative to the touch, its gonna peel in a few days.

  3. I agree with the other answerers regarding aloe vera. It is a very good natural remedy to sooth skin that's been damaged. If you can't find any aloe vera plants in your home, there are indeed some natural aloe vera lotions now being sold. I use a natural aloe vera lotion for sensitive skin from The Body Shop and it's really good for the skin.

  4. Aloe Vera if you have one. I always use it to ease the stinging pain and to heal sunburn or any minor burn. There are also pure aloe vera lotions sold at Walgreens and CVS.

    Update 1:

    Don't try what the answerer below me suggested. Do not apply greasy ointments and baby oil on the sunburned area. It will only make it worse because greasy ointments seals heat.

  5. Well, Being a lot of stuff, and getting burned......i would always go to my yard and pick up some aloe vera, Use the juice, to place on my burns to cool it off.

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