
Is there a homeschool curriculum that uses workbooks instead of textbooks? (NOT LIFEPAC)?

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I asked this question before and didn't get any answers.





  1. I think the critical thinking company has some workbooks you could use in your curriculum. Here is a link

    You would need to still supplement with text books though.

  2. Alpha Omega is Christian curriculum that uses workbooks. There are 10 work books per subject per grade. Very simple!

  3. A Beka

  4. For Math - Math-U-See is a wonderful program that utilizes workbooks.  They have a DVD lesson, a student workbook, a test book, and a teacher's book.  They also have an advanced workbook that is a supplement.

    This program makes math so logical and easy to understand.  My husband and I would have given anything to have been taught math in that way.  My daughter hated math prior to this program.  (We tried Abeka and she hated it & so did I)

    A program called simply WRITE is a good writing workbook.

    The Shurley Method workbooks are good for grammer/language arts (my daughter loved it and my don was happy with it also.  This is really for 1st - 7th.

    An incredible grammer program is a CD-Rom called Grammer Key.  This was recommended by the teacher that reviews my kids annually.  When they finish they should just go back and restart the CD.  There are 2 one for punctuation and mechanics the other for parts of speech.  It makes a potentially difficult subject rather easy.  If they don't get a good score on on lesson just have them go back and do it again.  They will know and rmember what this teaches.  As well as enjoy it or at least not mind it.

    Check out the book "100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy.  She explains a lot of differnet curriculum.  Many libraries have it.

  5. We use Sonlight.  We really like it.  Here's their link:

    It's especially good if you really love literature.  I'm not sure how good it is, though, for kids with ADD/ADHD.  There's a lot of reading for both you and the child.

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