
Is there a homogeneous Asian Civilization??

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How can you say that Asia is Civilized? Is there an Asian Civilization?




  1. "Civilization" indicates a larger population with people doing specialized jobs to sustain themselves as opposed to hunting and gathering or pastoralism.  It has nothing to do with 'developed' nations, or the practices of the people within a particular group.  What is 'civilized' is culturally constructed (as in it depends on the world view of the person determining what is 'civilized' and what is not).  Asia IS civilized, and there are many Asian civilizations.  However, it is very diverse depending on the region, so it would not be considered to be homogenous.  

    Be wary of definitions of 'civilized' that pertain to morals, cultural practices, human rights practices, even technological advancement.  Specialization indicates the growth of a 'civilization' by definition, and it is imperialistic for other nations to pass judgment and deem a civilization 'uncivilized' because of a difference in values and practices.

  2. "civilized" does not mean "having a single civilization"

    it means that people from developed nations feel OK in the region.

  3. I stay in Asia, and there is no unity. Every country is different, lots of different groups, different laws, different traditions.

    The Chinese have their civilization, they wrote books before the (west) Europeans did, and they worked things out for their society. Koreans and the Japanese as well (of which the Chinese claim that it's basically theirs). Many ideas come from India; many basic inventions come from China, many devices from Korea and Japan. Asia is civilized, in terms of thinking. That's something Asian countries have in common - thoughtfulness. They tend to think things over first, and they're aware of the idea that one single individual achieves far less than a united group. But in political terms, Asia is a mess. We don't want any Asian country to rule the world; it would be horrible for human rights.

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