
Is there a host family located in Liverpool, UK willing to take me in while I study at a high school?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and live in Florida, USA. But I really want to study at a high school in Liverpool as an exchange student. I would be staying 3-6 months starting September, and if I like it a lot be finishing the school year. I'm a musician and would be looking to join local bands in the liverpool area. So a family who wouldn't mine having a musician/Liverpool FC fanatic I'm the perfect student. I'm drug free, respectful, and a nice guy. Please contact me if you have or know someone who would be able to accomodate me. Or if you know of a website that can assist me with this. Thanks




  1. Hello, I'm not from there sorry.

    But this is a great site :)

  2. not a good idea 2 post this man...

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