
Is there a hot line to ring or anything if you see a ghost; what i mean is if you see a fire you call the fire

by  |  earlier

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brigade, or police for a crime, but noone has told us what to do if we see a ghost...are we just supposed to walk past it or talk to it, or tell someone or what?




  1. If ghosts were common (or verifiably real) then perhaps such a hotline would exist.  But there isn't a hotline.

  2. Surely there must be some psychic hotline you could call.  They'll probably charge though.

  3. you can call a paranormal investigator

  4. What are you a biggot? Ghosts are people too you know!

  5. Hey, if he's not hurting anyone, why not let him be?  There's no law against saying "boo" and waving your ethereal spirit appendages about in a spooky way. I say: let ghosts be free!  Freedom for Ecto-Americans!

  6. I agree with you!! If you see a UFO...they have a site on here that tells you what to do and who to call...but nothing for ghosts. Most people call a lot of the wrong people and make fools of themselves or put themselves on the list for the funny farm before they find someone who believes them , much less can help them. I agree that there should be one general 800 number people can call. The only thing would probably be busy. Also, there would be a lot of prank calls. If you're a Catholic and the priest likes MIGHT get some help from one of them But..most of them are more scared of it than  the people it's happening to...or else they won't believe you.  I told one about my son being lifted out of the bed. I told him it didn't scare me. He said ," You SHOULD have been scared!" ..but he didn't offer me any advice or even try to make me realize that my house might be haunted. (A psychic used to rent it...She kept a lot of Indian statues...IDK) I think I would come on here and hope some of my "imaginary friends" on here would believe me and tell me what to do.Hope somebody takes you seriously and sends us a good answer.

  7. I wish there was a hot line that you could call if you see a ghost.I would be calling very often,LOL.

  8. I regret to inform you that Ghost Busters is not real and they do not have a hot line.

    There are many groups you can contact if you experience any type of paranormal activity. I have included a link to a web site for you so you can find a group near you.

    Investigations by parapsychologist (the few that investigate hauntings) or even amateur groups can often take a while to get started some as long as months.

    This is because unlike the city Fire Dept. these groups usually don't charge (nor are they paid for by taxes) and can't bill you for a false call that waste their time. Therefore groups usually attempt to gather information first.


  9. Ghost  Busters!

  10. Hi...

    Yes there is a hotline...It's free...It cost nothing for you...only you need to move your lips...and ask help or call jesus or holly marry or ask lord to clear them...But if you really scared if not its best to start having a cantact with them...Ask sth. and record it then dont stop recording try to find some EVPs...Isn't it great to haunt some when your able to do it??:-?I could never capture their voices but if you could plz snd an e-mail to me and tell how was

  11. ghostbusters

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