
Is there a law, specifically in Texas, regarding cooking and serving rare and medium rare hamburgers?

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Is there a law, specifically in Texas, regarding cooking and serving rare and medium rare hamburgers?




  1. W.T.F.!!??!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am not sure about Texas but many states have food laws about the temperatures that certain foods must be cooked.  The laws came about because of the ecoli and salmonilla outbreaks in the late 1990s. Here is a piece discussing the new California law in 1998 ..........   hope this helps ....... = )

    "The regulation dictates that food be thoroughly cooked and forbids certain raw foods. The law is aimed at preventing illnesses such as salmonella bacteria, which sickens 40,000 Americans each year. But some cooks complain the law is tying their hands in the kitchen.

    Local health inspectors are making sure restaurants prepare meat, poultry eggs to specific temperatures. Thermometers are used to check that cooked meat reaches a temperature of 157 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Some chefs have been forced to rewrite their recipes. Caesar salad dressings are traditionally made with a raw egg. Health inspectors use thermometers to check that cooked meat reaches 157 degrees But that will no longer happen in California restaurants unless the customer specially requests it that way. One chef now substitutes a cooked, diced egg.

    Patrons are also in for some surprises. All hamburgers, for example, will now arrive well-done unless a patron specially asks for rare or medium rare. There are some exceptions to the prohibition of certain raw foods. They include foods that are presumed to be raw, such as oysters, sushi, steak tartare and carpaccio. "

  3. in most states its at the request of the customer other wise it has to be well done or the restaurant may be fined by health dept.

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