
Is there a law called begging for alms that means if someone begs you for the money owed you don't pay it back

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Is there a law called begging for alms that means if someone begs you for the money owed you don't pay it back




  1. Not in the US.

  2. You've got to be kidding.  No.  And repayment of a loan isn't "alms", by the way - that's money or goods donated to the needy, not money you OWE to someone.

    Are you saying that you borrowed money from someone, they need it back, and you are looking for a way to stiff them?  Nice!!!!

  3. Someone's been blowing smoke up your skirt.

  4. There is. Don't know what it is called but if someone you owe money to begs you in public or  badmouths you in public then the debt is considered cancelled as the arrangements should be private. Don't think it would really work what with small claims courts etc.

  5. Dude, if someone loans you money and you don't pay them back it just makes u a scum bag.

  6. wtf

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