
Is there a law for company's, that says " A company can not hire you if you do not have a high-school diploma?

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What law says you cannot get hired if you do not have a high school diploma ? Where ?




  1. There is no law that says you have to have a high school diploma to have a job. It would be nice to your future employer that shows that you did complete your high school education. Somehow graduating from high school, shows that you can handle the tough school work. Once you are in the working world, work is going to be tougher and that high school diploma shows "proof" that you can handle tough work without quitting. High school dropouts usually quit high school because school work or high school in general was too tough and they couldn't handle either situation.

    So, if you are a high school dropout, go get your GED. It is important to employers that you will handle any situation that they give you.

  2. not a law but come be a company policy!!!

  3. There isn't one, but any company can have ANY requirement that they wish for the job.

    I suggest you take it as a hint that you have a very, very long hard road ahead of you if you cannot even complete the bare minimum of education.

    High school these days is a complete joke and there is no reason other than laziness that someone can't finish.

    Now you know why an employer won't hire you?

  4. I don't think their is a law which says that company's would not hire you because of a lack of a diploma. However without a diploma your opportunities are seriously restricted.

  5. there is no such law.

    it's up to the company.

  6. No law about high school diplomas. However, there are laws about gender, race, age, physical disability, national origin.

    In general, companies can set the bar as low or high as they want  When jobs are really scarce, a fast food outlet can say they will hire only Ph.D.'s.  

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