
Is there a law on your neighbour parking in front or near my garage?

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Is there a law on your neighbour parking in front or near my garage?




  1. Where I live, the rules of the road say that, no one may park within 5 feet (1.5 metres) of a driveway. i.e. leave that distance from the both edges of the driveway.

    Unfortunately my ignorant neighbours actually will park right up to the edge and it does make it difficult to get in and out.

    Infact the other day, they had visitors and they completely blocked the driveway, so my wife told them to move as she could not get in. I do believe that you can phone the police, who will arrange to have the vehicle towed.

  2. If they are on your property that's trespassing!

  3. He cannot block access to your garage any more than you can block access to his.  Any car blocking your garage can be ticketed and towed.

    If the car is actually in your driveway, some places do not ticket and tow unless you have a "no parking" sign posted.  However, in those cases the car is a gift, however temporary, and if you need a couple of valve cores as spares, you can take them.  They might need some when they come to get their car, maybe you could sell them the spares you just happen to have on hand for $10 apiece!

    You cannot damage the car of course, and you obviously can't take the valve cores out of the stems if it is on the street.

  4. It is illegal to block a right of way or if they are tresspassing.

  5. Yes and if you have a problem you need to contact the Home owners Association and or the Police Department so that this can be on file.

  6. If they are parking on a public road, then the answer is NO.

    If, on the other hand, they are parked on land in your ownership (as in the case of a private road), then you may have a case in the civil court for obstruction and trespass. But note that it is a "civil" case, not a "criminal" case.

    Even if the offending vehicle is on your land and you attempt to move it, you could face criminal charges yourself for attempting to steal the vehicle or for criminal damage!

  7. other then being a nuscence or traspassing or in a asigned parking space no there are no laws i can think of ask him to move it so u can get into your garage

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