
Is there a law or an amendment to the constitution that says it is illegal to murder?

by  |  earlier

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IM NOT PLANNING ON MURDERING ANYONE! lol! i just need to know for this school project..its like find the deffinition of evil and using that deffintion say how murder is evil or somehthing




  1. Every state has a law against murder.  It's illegal wherever you go, in the United States at least.

  2. The reason so many people are convicted of murder and either executed or sentenced to life in prison, is because it is illegal.  In EVERY state in the US including it's territories, murder is illegal.  Can you imagine what our society would be like if you could just kill people at will?

  3. Are you planning on murdering someone?

    It's called "common law," things that are so obvious everyone knows they are illegal

    - murder


    -Marrying a relative, incest

    -You know, the bad stuff, things that are taboo.

  4. There are both Federal and State laws making murder a crime, of course.

    Here... is the Federal murder law.


  5. Not specifically, that I can name off hand, but who needs one? I rather thought that would be common sense.

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