
Is there a law prohibiting certain firearms from being used in hunting?

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What I mean by this is: Is there a law prohibiting the use of certain civilian firearms (Such as the HK SL8-1, or the FN FS200) while hunting? Of course, I'm talking semi-automatic weapons here, although I'm curious as to whether or not we're allowed to use weapons that were modified to have full-auto.

Any answers that you have, with legitimate sources would be great. Or perhaps you can point me in the direction of a good website.




  1. Here fully automatics are prohiibited for hunting, semi autos can hold no more than 10 rounds. For deer hunting any centerfire cartridge is legal, although for the sake of ethics and being humane, please always use a round that is more than adequate. You can read the wildlife and hunting codes for your state to find out what is legal and what isnt. I live in MO.

  2. No. But your only allowed a certain amount of rounds total I belive and you may have to use 5 round magazines.

  3. The laws governing what guns are allowed and what guns are not allowed vary from state to state.  You should check the laws in your state to determine what guns are allowed in that state.

  4. Specific laws pertain to each state.

    For instance, in Mich., you cannot have more than 5 rounds in your gun while deer hunting...unless a tube fed lever gun.

    I would seriously recommend you read the laws for your state. or www. "state".game laws  will usually get you to a DNR web site.

    Good luck

    I work a large sporting goods store in Mich.

  5. It all depends on what state your hunting in. They all have specific rules as to what caliber and models of weapons can and can not be used.

    In some states it is not legal to hunt with a semi auto rifle. Check the state conservation commission website and check out the rules.

    As far as I know, full auto is not legal anywhere in the USA except on the licensed firing ranges.

  6. yes there usually are laws that prohibit certain weapons based on caliber size and whether it is fully auto-usually full auto weapons are illegal for hunting.  Check with your states hunting laws there you will find your answer.

  7. Yes every State has a minimum caliber and type of Sporting Arm one is allowed to use for hunting Big game.* Look up that information for your State, or contact your local Wildlife Conservation Officer.*

  8. To get a hunting license you will have to take a course

    that will include a section on the States 'Game Laws'.

    They will cover what weapons are acceptible for what game,

    in what season. (It can be complicated.)

    It's a fair guess that machine guns will be prohibited everywhere.

    Those last 3 uncontrolled rounds from a burst are something

    no-one wants to be around.

  9. Of course... but you must check your local laws... I mean, I'd love to hunt rabbits with a rocket propelled grenade, but they just won't let me ;-)

  10. The law will depend state to state. For nistance, in georgia, on public or state owned land, you are not allowed to hunt with a high-powered rifle, or a shotgun using any kind of pellet type shot. You are only allowed to use primitive (bows and crossbows), muzzle loading rifles, or slug firing shotguns. Check with the local game warden, or contact your state's version of fish & game or dept of natural resources for more information.

  11. Federally, there are no laws that I'm aware of prohibiting you from using any specific type of semi-automatic firearm while hunting. The laws do vary from state to state though. In my state you can hunt any size game with an AK-47 chambered for 7.62x39mm, but not a FN FS2000 or HK SL8-1 because they are chambered in the 5.56x45mm which is considered legally, by my state, too small of a caliber for large game. They go over the basic hunting laws when you take a hunter's safety course.

  12. no because you can use them in hunting but you already know need the license blah blah blah you can use auto

  13. There is a plethora of laws, both federal and state. You can't shoot waterfowl with anything larger than a 10-bore since a federal restriction in 1918. Different states have different restrictions on semi-auto rifles, but until recently, they've largely been needless, since military semi-auto's are just too clunky for hunting medium game. I can't imagine anybody really wanting to use a bullpup design, for instance, even if there are no local restrictions.

  14. Yes, and you're typically not permitted to hunt with most pistols. You should call your local game warden, or the warden of the areas you plan on hunting in to get more specific information on which weapons and calibers of ammunition are permitted.

  15. The regulations vary from state to state. Check the hunting rules for where you will hunt. In many states the weapon must not be a full automatic fire weapon, must be a certain caliber for different game, (.22 is not allowed for deer)  it will be different in each state.  

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